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July Tax Bill

July Tax Bill

I have just received my income tax bill for my payment due by the end of July. It seems really high- is there anything I can do to reduce it?

First published 1 Jul 2013

P11Ds not due anymore

P11Ds not due anymore

First published 1 Jul 2013

Bookkeeping Software

Bookkeeping Software

First published 1 Jul 2013

Rental income - husband and wife

Rental income - husband and wife

First published 1 Jul 2013

Late P35

Late P35

First published 1 Jun 2013

Wrong tax code

Wrong tax code

First published 1 Jun 2013

VAT on cars

VAT on cars

First published 1 Jun 2013

Correcting a wages error under RTI

Correcting a wages error under RTI

First published 1 Jun 2013

Losses and Class 2 National Insurance

Losses and Class 2 National Insurance

First published 1 Jun 2013

Private medical insurance

Private medical insurance

First published 1 Jun 2013

Late tax return

Late tax return

First published 1 May 2013

Tax relief on buildings

Tax relief on buildings

First published 1 May 2013

P11Ds - how can I reduce the burden?

P11Ds - how can I reduce the burden?

First published 1 May 2013

RTI - Annual PAYE Schemes

RTI - Annual PAYE Schemes

First published 1 May 2013

Closing a business

Closing a business

First published 1 May 2013

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