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VAT registration threshold

VAT registration threshold

I’m a growing business and I’m aware that my turnover could mean that I need to register for VAT soon. Could you tell me what the threshold is please?

First published 27 Mar 2015

Trivial Benefits

Trivial Benefits

First published 2 Mar 2015

Savings Income

Savings Income

First published 2 Mar 2015

Company cars from April 2015

Company cars from April 2015

First published 27 Feb 2015

Transferring my personal allowance

Transferring my personal allowance

First published 5 Feb 2015

10% wear and tear allowance

10% wear and tear allowance

First published 2 Mar 2014

National Insurance for young employees

National Insurance for young employees

First published 5 Feb 2015

Consequences of paying tax late

Consequences of paying tax late

First published 5 Feb 2015

What happens when you cancel a tax return?

What happens when you cancel a tax return?

First published 5 Feb 2015

VAT MOSS and 'digital services'

VAT MOSS and 'digital services'

First published 2 Jan 2015

VAT MOSS and turnover

VAT MOSS and turnover

First published 2 Jan 2015

Reducing my January tax bill

Reducing my January tax bill

First published 2 Jan 2015

Correcting last year's tax return

Correcting last year's tax return

First published 2 Jan 2015

'Small' gifts from customers

'Small' gifts from customers

First published 5 Dec 2014

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