Tips to help accelerate your mobile business

Operating a mobile business allows owners and workers to adopt a flexible approach to providing goods or services, by meeting customers wherever they are. 

Without the need for a permanent shopfront, mobile businesses can offer products and services with lower overhead costs, making them agile and cost-effective. 

The rise of mobile businesses 

Operating a mobile business is a popular way to run a business in the UK. It provides many benefits such as flexibility, lower overhead costs, and direct engagement with customers.  

The mobile business model can also be used to test a business idea or side-hustle before setting up a permanent shop or office. 

Marketing and branding strategies 

Without a physical shopfront, effective use of marketing is key to building and maintaining a strong brand. 


You should have a website that clearly communicates what you offer, and by using search engine optimisation, you can target website visitors in the specific areas where your mobile business operates. 

Social media 

On social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok, you can directly promote what you’re offering and share interesting behind-the-scenes content.  

Social media is particularly useful for mobile businesses that travel to different locations and can use it to communicate where they are. You can also use social media advertising to target messages to people in particular areas.  

Customer reviews 

Online reviews play a key role in sales, with research showing a third of consumers see them as the most important purchasing consideration. Encourage reviews by including a message on your vehicle branding, on business cards and in follow up emails. If you receive a high overall star rating on review platforms you can use it in your branding to encourage more sales.  

Using services such as Trust A Trader or Check A Trade can widen your customer base. 

Loyalty programmes 

Loyalty programmes reward customers for repeat business and are another way to build customer engagement. Retaining customers who use your business routinely is important to establish a reliable customer base and enable you to have a solid income base month after month. 

Financial management and growth 

Setting competitive and profitable prices is crucial for mobile businesses. When doing so, consider the market you’re operating in, what your competitors charge, your costs and your break-even point. You can then work out what to charge to make a profit.  

Managing your costs are important too. Closely monitor expenses such as supplies, staff costs, and equipment. The cost of fuel, vehicle servicing and repairs is also a key factor for mobile businesses.  

If costs are too high, consider any reductions you can make such as switching to an electric vehicle. You might need to increase your prices to help pay for your investment.  

There are many allowable expenses you can claim to reduce your tax bill, so make sure you know what they are. There are tips for limited companies here and self-employed business owners here. You can also speak to your accountant for advice.  

Navigating regulations and compliance 

There are several regulations mobile businesses need to comply with such as insurance and health and safety.  

The specific rules you need to follow will depend on your type of business. You can check which regulations apply to you by contacting organisations such as your local council, the Health and Safety Executive, insurance companies and the relevant trade association.  

Examples of regulations include: 

Optimising your mobile business operations 

As a vehicle is essential to the success of a mobile business, it’s vital that you carry out regular checks to ensure it is performing correctly. Failure to do so could have a significant impact on your business if you are unable to reach your customers to sell your products or services.  

It is a good idea to have a list of daily checks that you carry out on your vehicle. Areas to inspect include: 

Useful vehicle maintenance checklists are provided by the Health and Safety Executive and RAC

If you can’t fix any issues yourself, contact a professional.  

Technology and tools for efficiency 

Modern technology can help you to operate a more effective and efficient business. 

For receiving payments for your products or services, you can use a device that allows you to accept credit and debit card payments from customers wherever you are. Not taking payments by card could mean you miss out on sales because customers don’t have cash. 

There are many card readers available. Your options include buying a device outright and paying a fee for every card transaction or setting up a contract with a payment processor and renting the device. For the latter option, the contract will likely be more expensive, but the fees can often be lower.  

To work out which is the best card reader for your business, research online, read reviews and ask other business owners.  

Online accounting software is also useful for mobile business owners. Solutions like QuickBooks and Xero allow you to manage your business finances anywhere. They help you to stay on top of your money and quickly carry out tasks such as uploading receipts to claim expenses and reduce your tax bill.  

Get help with your mobile business  

TaxAssist Accountants can help you with the right advice to support your business.   

We can assist with taxes, accounting, bookkeeping and payroll, as well as connecting you with other providers we work with.  

Contact us to learn more about our services and to book a free initial meeting.  

Last updated: 26th June 2024