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Questions And Answers

Read our expert answers to your questions

Late confirmation statement

Late confirmation statement

I got my dates muddled up and have filed my company confirmation statement a week late. What fines can I expect? 

First published 2 Sep 2016

Property losses - do I need a tax return?

Property losses - do I need a tax return?

First published 4 May 2018
Last updated 22 Jul 2020

Registering for Self Employment and CIS

Registering for Self Employment and CIS

First published 3 Aug 2018
Last updated 22 May 2020

Clothing purchased for work purposes

Clothing purchased for work purposes

First published 3 Aug 2018

Late P11D

Late P11D

First published 3 Aug 2018

Missed Payment on Account deadline

Missed Payment on Account deadline

First published 31 Jul 2017

Gifting a property to your children

Gifting a property to your children

First published 6 Jul 2018
Last updated 22 Jul 2020

Limited company or umbrella

Limited company or umbrella

First published 6 Jul 2018

Tax on director's loans

Tax on director's loans

First published 1 Jun 2018

No P11D due

No P11D due

First published 3 Jun 2016

Tax Credits Renewal

Tax Credits Renewal

First published 1 Jun 2017

Subcontractor: How do I get a tax refund?

Subcontractor: How do I get a tax refund?

First published 4 May 2018

What expenses can nurses claim?

What expenses can nurses claim?

First published 4 May 2018

Tax codes

Tax codes

First published 5 Apr 2018
Last updated 10 Apr 2024

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