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Questions And Answers

Read our expert answers to your questions

How should I pay my wife?

How should I pay my wife?

I have my own business and now my children are grown up, my wife would like to return to work and deal with some administrative jobs for me.  What is the most tax efficient way for her to be paid? Should I treat her as if she is self-employed and she invoices me?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Employed or self-employed?

Employed or self-employed?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Working Tax Credits - Changes

Working Tax Credits - Changes

First published 5 Dec 2012

Simplified PAYE Deduction Scheme

Simplified PAYE Deduction Scheme

First published 5 Dec 2012

Car benefit changes

Car benefit changes

First published 5 Dec 2012

Claim tax credits

Claim tax credits

First published 5 Dec 2012

Claiming a tax refund

Claiming a tax refund

First published 5 Dec 2012

Leasing a car

Leasing a car

First published 5 Dec 2012

Should the business pay us rent?

Should the business pay us rent?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Small Self-Administered Scheme

Small Self-Administered Scheme

First published 5 Dec 2012

Furnished Holiday Lets - hot potato?

Furnished Holiday Lets - hot potato?

First published 5 Dec 2012

SEIS - is it right for us?

SEIS - is it right for us?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Timing of Equipment Purchases

Timing of Equipment Purchases

First published 5 Dec 2012

Business property renovation

Business property renovation

First published 5 Dec 2012

Overdraft interest

Overdraft interest

First published 5 Dec 2012

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