Accountants trusted more than bankers and lawyers

A recent survey has discovered that more people trust accountants as a source of financial advice than their other advisers, peers and colleagues.

Company bosses throughout the Midlands took part in a survey conducted by Insider Media. The results showed that they rely on accountants’ advice more than other available authorities.

At present, almost 40% of participants in the study have stated that their main source of advice is an accountant. This figure is higher than that of other business professionals, such as lawyers of bankers.

The aim of the survey was to gain insight into how the accountancy profession needs to adapt to the changing demands of business, by using feedback from the participants.

With developments in the gig economy and expanding capabilities in digital resources, accountants need to stay on top of how businesses are managing and growing in today’s economy.

Changes such as the move towards Making Tax Digital are something the survey wants to get more information on. Insider asks if this will ‘lead to a new relationship where advice and strategy is valued more than compliance and form-filling?’.

They believe that by participants filling out the questionnaire they can paint a picture of how the accountancy profession needs to adapt in the future, with a focus on what companies truly need from their advisers.

You can fill out the Inside Media online survey, here.

For more details about how TaxAssist Accountants can help your small business, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01271 233 250 or drop us a line on our online contact form.

Last updated: 21st June 2017