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Questions And Answers

Read our expert answers to your questions

Do I pass Class 2 NI if I'm employed and self employed?

Do I pass Class 2 NI if I'm employed and self employed?

I have a full-time job but I also have a small business of my own. Therefore, I pay Class 2 NI contributions. But as I am paying my ‘stamp’ on my employment income, do I have to continue paying Class 2 as well?  

First published 5 Dec 2012

Is my company dormant?

Is my company dormant?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Tax credits renewal

Tax credits renewal

First published 5 Dec 2012

Buying Christmas presents overseas

Buying Christmas presents overseas

First published 5 Dec 2012

Bad weather conditions

Bad weather conditions

First published 5 Dec 2012

Seasonal staff

Seasonal staff

First published 5 Dec 2012

Christmas presents - Vouchers

Christmas presents - Vouchers

First published 5 Dec 2012

Business gifts

Business gifts

First published 5 Dec 2012

Late VAT Registration

Late VAT Registration

First published 5 Dec 2012

Van or Car?

Van or Car?

First published 5 Dec 2012

Missed the tax return deadline

Missed the tax return deadline

First published 5 Dec 2012

I can't pay my tax

I can't pay my tax

First published 5 Dec 2012

Separate bank account

Separate bank account

First published 5 Dec 2012

Tutors and coaches

Tutors and coaches

First published 5 Dec 2012

PAYE Payment Dates

PAYE Payment Dates

First published 5 Dec 2012

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