Millions of couples yet to claim marriage tax allowance

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed almost half of the British couples eligible to claim marriage tax allowance are yet to do so since its introduction in 2015.

The tax allowance, worth £230 a year, can be claimed by married couples and those in civil partnerships providing they meet certain conditions. Only 2.2 million of the 4.4 million eligible couples have applied for the tax saving but the UK government has now confirmed it has simplified the application process to make it easier for couples to apply.

HMRC has prepared a range of advertising campaigns designed to persuade unaware couples to apply for the Marriage Allowance.

An HMRC spokesperson said: “Applications have increased year-on-year, and the application process is easy, and families can apply at a time which is convenient for them.

"2.2 million couples across the UK are keeping more the money they earn thanks to the Marriage Allowance.”

Are you eligible for the Marriage Allowance?

If you’re unsure whether you’re eligible to claim for this tax allowance on earnings, make sure you read the following stipulations:

Note: It is possible to back-date claims for tax savings for previous financial years since 2015.

If you are keen to discover the tax allowances and reliefs available to you and your family, your local TaxAssist Accountant can help. We offer all clients tax planning reviews to ensure you only pay as much tax as you are legally obliged to.

To arrange an initial consultation with your nearest TaxAssist expert, call us today on 01825-572-101 or drop us a line using our online enquiry form.

Last updated: 26th September 2017