Getting ready for changes to the Furlough Scheme

Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from 1st July will allow employers to bring back staff who have been furloughed previously on a part time basis, but still class them as furloughed and be part-funded by the scheme. 

Employers will pay these furloughed employees their normal wage for actual hours worked and be able to make a claim for the hours not worked. 

The second key change will see an extension of the scheme until 31st October and a gradual reduction in the level of contribution the Government will make towards the costs of furloughed staff.  

Over the four months to October, the amounts you can claim will change as follows: 

The extension to the furloughing scheme has been welcomed by most and the introduction of flexible working arrangements should help businesses start to re-open as the nation recovers from this crisis. 

Eligibility for the Furlough Scheme 

As well as part time working now being allowed, there are other points employers should be aware of: 

These new rules reflect the Government’s view that the extension to the scheme is to support those previously furloughed returning to work and not where employers are looking to furlough additional employees. 

How will the claims work? 

The claim system used will be as before, but there are some important new rules you need to consider: 

What to do next if you are an employer 

Business owners and employers need to review the upcoming changes and consider the following action points: 

How we can help 

There are several ways in which we may be able to help. It is always important to get good advice and this is particularly true in turbulent times like now. If you need help please talk to us on 01606 553 566 or use our online enquiry form. We can offer initial consultations, guidance and support over the phone if you have any concerns about face-to-face meetings. 

For our latest COVID-19 news and guidance for your business, visit our dedicated Coronavirus Hub.
We will be updating it regularly as we continue to monitor and digest all the latest information

Last updated: 19th June 2020